Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Kanakuk drop off

We dropped our Bubs off at Kanakuk on July 14 for 28 days.  It is always a bit surreal for me to be back there, especially during camp time.  I learned so much there and met the Big J man there.  I am sad to see him go for that long and people always ask if it is hard.  It really is but I can't think of a better place for a busy, inquisitive little boy who always soaks up the environment that he is in to be.  Such a great opportunity for him to be around these amazing counselors who Love the Lord.  This being his fourth year at K-1, he really knows people now when he gets dropped off.  I have many, many good memories of this place and I am grateful beyond words that Jackson gets to have this opportunity.  I pray God really plants some seeds and causes his little mind to be challenged for Christ just as I was.

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